Message from our Executive Director - May 1

Hello everyone,

This week I’d like to share some words from Victoria Gill, our Director of Operations. Victoria has done an amazing job of implementing and overseeing a remote support model, which had never been done at The Arc of Plymouth and Upper Cape Cod before. Thanks to her hard work and the dedication of her staff, we are now proud to offer over 38 remote support virtual meetings and classes to the people we support.

I hope you all remain well and that your spirits remain high.


Let's face it. This is hard. 

Daily, we are faced with the reality of our new normal. Families are grappling with loss of income, changes to employment, school closures, virtual classroom demands, loss of familiar and comfortable routine, inability to visit friends, changes in household dynamics, juggling the needs of children, spouses and self, fear and anxiety related to the pandemic affecting loved ones, and its impact on the future. 

But in case no one has told you just yet, you've got this. The day-to-day may not be pretty, but you're in the safety of your home surrounded by loved ones, both in-person and virtually. 

Let's talk for a moment about that impressive, structured, colorful Pinterest schedule of daily activities you had every intention to use to support your family through the pandemic. At this stage it may have better use on a dart board, or serving as a coaster- but you took the time to read it, print it - and maybe you even tried it! Way to go! Or how about those strict screen-time restrictions you enacted to keep interests varied and encourage family social engagement? Did they go out the window, too? Perhaps the need for quiet time, self-care, or the ability to get some work done is taking precedence at this time. And that's ok, too. There will be time to reestablish household expectations and routines.

By definition, resilience is the ability to recover from, or adjust to, misfortune or change. Resilience amid crisis is no easy feat, and we're all doing the best we can to adapt, adjust and persevere on a day-by-day, sometimes hour-by-hour, basis. There is no cookie cutter approach that will lead you and your family successfully through this crisis. It's important to recognize and give yourself credit for even the smallest acts of resilience. You tried that Pinterest schedule after all, right? And then resiliently adapted and accepted the fact you simply needed to do something different. 

 Resiliency amid crisis also takes knowing your resources and how to access them - and that's exactly what we're here for. Do you wish that overabundance of screen-time served a more functional purpose? Your loved ones are always welcomed to join our remote activity options. Are you in need of essential supplies or groceries because by virtue of everyone being at home, you  require double (or triple) the amount of supplies your typical family budget supports? We can provide or refer you to community resources that can help. Do you need someone to talk to, or to problem solve with? Our Coordinators and support staff can help you, advocate for you, or refer you to someone who can.

Resilience amid crisis is no easy feat.

Give yourself credit where it's due. Make adjustments along the way. Access the resources available to you. Take the time to administer self-care.

We're all in this together, and we're here to support you. You've got this!

Be resilient, and be well.

In solidarity, 
Victoria Gill
Director of Operations