Message from our Executive Director - April 14

Hello everyone,

I hope this message finds all of you and yours well.

Last week the people we support and staff alike had the opportunity to take part in educational, engaging and fun remote activities. In addition to the 38 remote support online classes and groups that are currently offered, The Arc of Plymouth and Upper Cape Cod held two unique, and hopefully entertaining, online contests. 

The first was a contest involving people who attend the Archways and Pathways programs getting outside and photographing images of things that bring them joy. Amazing photos were shared on our social media platforms and our community was asked to vote for their favorite by “liking” the image. The winner is a very talented young woman named Carrie. Congratulations Carrie and thank you to all who participated – your photographs brought us joy as well.

Second was a virtual Easter Egg Hunt. Individuals and employees, as well as our community at large, were invited to visit our website and search for the hidden Easter egg icons scattered throughout our updated site. Each Easter egg contained an online form which entered the finder into a drawing to win an e-gift card. We were thrilled at the response, as visits to our website increased therefore all the critical information on our page reached a wider audience – and it was fun for all who participated.

I want to take a moment this week to recognize our Senior Leadership team. Their daily contribution has been invaluable as we collectively make critical and sometimes difficult decisions, implement new processes and procedures and maintain effective program and business operations during this unprecedented situation. 

Rick Johnson has played a critical role in effectively leading his staff and in seamlessly (to us anyway) pivoting to ensure effective continuity of all business operations. Kathy Baldwin has been working diligently to secure grant funding while acting as liaison for community and online resources and connections that have proven invaluable, writing the Family Support RFR AND sewing masks in bulk, from home, for our staff and the people we support living in Wareham. Beth Cincotta has been maintaining remarkably effective, critical communication with our employees, the people we support and their families, and our wider community. Through daily updates via our social media channels, email marketing updates and the custom COVID-19 page on our website, updated vital information is consistently available to our community. Victoria Gill has been hard at work creating incredible remote support opportunities for the people we serve, and remotely training staff to implement those opportunities. Always willing to help, from assisting with technology development, to donating goods and services to developing innovative classes she has been a true light for the people we support and their families during these very trying times. Thank you to all.

We also had the pleasure of adding four new staff members to our team over the last few weeks. Chris Leibfarth is our new Director of Human Resources. Chris Mittell was hired as the Director of Agency With Choice. In our Day Programs, Kay Larracey is the new Archways Program Director, and Kevin Almeida was hired to be our Supported Employment Manager. Please join me in welcoming them and thanking them for their amazing capacity to learn about our organization and transition into their new roles during a challenging time.

Each week I am more amazed at the commitment of our employees to our mission and to all the people and families we support. This commitment is made clear every single day through amazing ingenuity and productivity, creativity and heart.

The Arc of Plymouth and Upper Cape Cod is fortunate to have such a dedicated team, and through their diligence, we will continue to provide meaningful services and support to our individuals and families.

Wishing you well,
Mary C. Valachovic
Executive Director