Message from Our Executive Director - May 18

Hello everyone,

This week we’re sharing a message from Rick Johnson, Senior Director of Business Operations. Rick has been skillfully ensuring the continuation of essential business operations during this period of remote work through his oversight of several departmentsincluding IT, Human Resources and Finance. His input and guidance has been, and remains critically important.

We’ve all benefited from his strong leadership during this unprecedented time.

Take care and I look forward to seeing you all again soon.


Hi everyone;

As I sit here in my remote worksite (ie; my dining room table), I’m thinking about the ‘new normal’ and how quickly we have come to (reluctantly) accept these socially distant practices. From schools and businesses being closed (anyone need a haircut?), to sitting at home during holidays when extended families usually gather (Easter, Mother’s Day, upcoming Memorial Day). And of course, our new work normal of Zoom calls and keeping the kids occupied while trying to complete the fifteen-minute project we started an hour ago.    

These times are challenging for everyone. When I find these challenges getting to me (as they have), I take a step back and try to take a more holistic view, to find things to be grateful for. First and foremost, the health of the people in our organization and the individuals we serve. Though New England continues to be a hot spot, our extended Arc family has remained healthy.

Additionally, I’m grateful for the people I work with:

  • Ian, who has been the tireless backbone structuring and maintaining the IT infrastructure of the remote services we are able to offer to the individuals we serve.

  • Chris and Heidi in Human Resources, who have been staying on top of the changing federal and state landscape as it relates to employment in the world of COVID-19.  And of course, for making sure everyone gets paid.

  • Carolyn and Judy in finance, who have been working diligently to make sure contracts are amended, billing for services we can provide is complete (so we can pay you), and that our bills are being paid.  

I’m grateful for the senior leadership team: For Kathy who is always looking forward and developing future business; for Beth who keeps us on message and fosters positive communication; for Victoria whose 25 hour days 8 days a week humble me, and of course for Mary whose guidance keeps us focused on the Mission of why we are all here.  

I’m thankful for the Program Directors who, under Mary’s guidance, are working in an incredibly nimble and fluid fashion to respond to this “new normal” by developing and delivering services in ways we never would have imagined 3 months ago.

And I’m exceptionally grateful for all of you – the staff who are delivering the service to the individuals who need you. Thank you thinking outside the box to reach people and make a difference for them. Thank you for stepping outside of your own comfort zones (and in many ways your job descriptions) to interact with people in such an exceptional manner. Thank you for the hundreds upon hundreds of remote service sessions that are delivered every week, as well as the in-person care that still needs to happen at Hathaway Street and in the homes of some individuals.  

Thank you for all that you do.

Rick Johnson
Senior Director of Business Operations